Ms. Perdix shows how it’s done – Video tutorials
You know how it is with operating instructions. They are never suitable for all users. Either they are so detailed that you forget what you intended to do in the middle. Or they are so reduced that no one can make any progress with them. The individual parts often look completely different in the drawings than in reality. And sometimes, yes, the twenty doesn’t want to fall despite the best instructions.
We are constantly asked by customers how our LIBRE CIRCLE 2.0® and LIBRE SQUARE 2.0® lights are precisely installed and programmed. To be honest, we would love to explain it 1:1 to each of our customers and, above all, show them, preferably several times, until it works.
The solution is obvious: a video tutorials. Ms. Perdix explains everything about the two lights in two tutorials. From the connection options and sensors to the brightness adjustment to possible problems and their solutions. This means you can follow the entire assembly and programming, the necessary steps or operating the right buttons at your own pace and implement it directly – together with Ms. Perdix, so to speak. We are convinced: This is how it should work!
By the way: Both products have a new feature. A special rubber on the lid prevents insects from getting into your lamp. And also: Ms. Perdix shows you the built-in secret code for the lamp in the video. You will be amazed!
Take a look. We look forward to your feedback and are curious to see whether our tutorials are valuable to you.
If you have any questions, the perdix team will be happy to help you.
> Click here for LIBRE CIRCLE 2.0®
> Click here for LIBRE SQUARE 2.0®
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