New employee: Dragan does it – an all-rounder with heart and soul
Dragan has been part of the perdix team since September 2020 and it’s hard to imagine life without him. Dragan is a “lateral entrant” to the lighting industry. Our new employee originally came to us from a completely different profession. As a trained textile technologist in mechatronics, he has worked in various companies for the last eight years. He set up, managed and repaired textile machines. Dragan wanted more – and started further training as a technical clerk EFZ. By the way, he is currently preparing for the final exam.
During his further training, Dragan felt that he was drawn further. He wanted a new challenge where he could apply his knowledge even better to his work. As luck would have it, he came across perdix through an acquaintance. And so one thing led to another. Dragan convinced the perdix team right from the start, it was a good fit. He thinks in the processes of perdix and far beyond.
New employee at perdix
Dragan’s tasks are primarily in the area of logistics. He is responsible for inventory management, takes care of processing warranty services and shipping daily sales. If there are larger orders, he takes over the delivery and often helps out with administrative tasks.
In short – Dragan always lends a hand wherever support is needed. He doesn’t really have a favorite task, it’s the variety that counts. «At perdix you are involved everywhere to ensure that business runs smoothly. You don’t have a typical main task,” says Dragan. “In the big companies where I have worked so far, my job has actually always been the same.” Dragan likes that he can work independently at perdix and shape his everyday life. He absorbs everything new and learns quickly. “Before I started at perdix, I just knew that there were lights, nothing more,” says Dragan and smiles. “But now I’ve learned a thousand things – from connections to the inner workings of a lamp to the different light colors and their influences.”
Perdix is committed to further training its employees; For example, Dragan has obtained his forklift license and will soon continue his training in the field of lighting planners.
Dragan can’t always plan his day; flexibility is usually required. As versatile as he is, he relieves pressure on various fronts. And, you can rely on Dragan.