perdix LED lighting is unique: developed, designed and produced to meet the highest standards of form, functionality and quality. Energy efficient and sustainable. From people who know and love light. Details about our lights can be found in the data sheets.
Light works in many different ways. It influences the mood, directs perception and serves as orientation. Light complements the architecture, is part of it. We offer tailored lighting concepts and professional advice to get the best out of your project. Through the clever use of light, we complement the architecture and create a unique experience.
Our passion lies in the design of lights and sophisticated lighting solutions. For us, every detail counts. We rely on simple, well-thought-out design and careful workmanship. With the expertise of experienced engineers and developers, we design individual solutions that meet the needs of our customers. Our LED lighting stands for the highest quality. We attach great importance to selecting high-quality raw materials so that our lights are energy efficient, durable and environmentally friendly. Our products are subject to strict quality controls to ensure they meet the highest standards.
Georgia D. aka Ms. Perdix
+41 (0)41 262 00 62